Sicong Liu刘思聪

I'm currently an associate professor in the School of Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). Before joining NPU, I received my Ph.D. degree from Xidian University, China, in 2020. And I had an experience as a joint PhD student at Rice University.


I care about the knowledge discoveries towards building ubiquitous deep learning system for benefiting common users and reducing the workload of developers.
  • Efficient Deep Learning for Mobile, Embedded, and AIoT Systems.
  • Automated Framework for Mobile and Embedded Deep Learning.
  • Crowd Intelligence for Human-Machine-IoT.
  • Deep Learning Algorithm and Mobile System Co-design.

System Platform:

Selected Publications, (Full List)


Crowd Intelligence with the Fusion of Human, Machine, Things

Bin Guo, Sicong Liu, Zhiwen Yu

China Machine Press 机械工业出版社 2022, Excellent Author Award

[Chapter slides download] [Introduction]

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence of Things

Bin Guo, Sicong Liu, Zhu Wang, Zhigang Li, Yan Liu

China Machine Press 机械工业出版社 2023, Golden Code Award

[Chapter slides download] [Introduction]


  • Xiaochen Li, Sicong Liu*, Zimu Zhou, Bin Guo, Yuan Xu, Zhiwen Yu. EchoPFL: Asynchronous Personalized Federated Learning on Mobile Devices with On-Demand Staleness Control. ACM UbiComp (IMWUT) 2024, CCF-A
  • Ziqi Wang, Sicong Liu, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, and Daqing Zhang. CrowdLearning: A Decentralized Distributed Training Framework Based on Collectives of Trusted AIoT Devices, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) 2024 CCF-A
  • Yuan Gao, Sicong Liu*, Bin Guo*, Xiangrui Xu, Haoyu Bian, Jingyi Hao, Wangjin Xu, Zhiwen Yu, Research on Enhanced Lightweight Sensing, Computing, and Decision Coordination Intelligence for Multiple Mobile Devices, SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, SSI (in Chinese) 2024 中国科学-信息科学, CCF-A
  • Kang Xiong, Sicong Liu*, Hongtao Wang, Yuan Gao, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, Deep Compilation Optimization for UAV Cooperative Localization. Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology (in Chinese) 2024 计算机科学与探索, CCF-B
  • Sicong Liu, Wentao Zhou, Zimu Zhou, Bin Guo, Minfan Wang, Cheng Fang, Zheng Lin, Zhiwen Yu. Deep Learning Inference on Heterogeneous Mobile Processors: Potentials and Pitfalls. ACM MobiSys 2024 Workshop
  • Zheng Lin, Bin Guo, Sicong Liu*, Wentao Zhou, Yasan Ding , Yu Zhang, and Zhiwen Yu, AdaOper: Energy-efficient and Responsive Concurrent DNN Inference on Mobile Devices. ACM MobiSys 2024 Workshop
  • Lehao Wang, Zhiwen Yu*, Sicong Liu*, Chenshu Wu, Xiangrui Xu, Bin Guo, AdaBridge: Dynamic Data and Computation Reuse for Efficient Multi-task DNN Co-evolution in Edge Systems, USENIX NSDI 2024 poster


  • Yanefei Wang, Zhiwen Yu, Sicong Liu, Zimu Zhou, Bin Guo. Genie in the Model: Automatic Generation of Human-in-the-Loop Deep Neural Networks for Mobile Applications. UbiComp (IMWUT), CCF-A
  • Sicong Liu, Xiaochen Li, Zimu Zhou, Bin Guo, Meng Zhang, Haocheng Shen, Zhiwen Yu. AdaEnlight: Energy-aware Low-light Video Stream Enhancement on Mobile Devices. UbiComp (IMWUT), CCF-A
  • Sicong Liu, Bin Guo, Cheng Fang, Ziqi Wang, Shiyan Luo, Zimu Zhou, Zhiwen Yu. Enabling Resource-efficient AIoT System with Cross-level Optimization: A survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Q1, IF: 35.6
  • Lehao Wang, Zhiwen Yu*, Haoyi Yu, Sicong Liu*, Yaxiong Xie, Bin Guo, Yunxin Liu. AdaEvo: Edge-Assisted Continuous and Timely DNN Model Evolution for Mobile Devices. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), CCF-A
  • Bowen Pang, Sicong Liu, Hongli Wang, Bin Guo, Yuzhan Wang, Hao Wang, Sheng Zhenli, Wang Zhongyi, Zhiwen Yu. AdaMEC: Towards a Context-Adaptive and Dynamically-Combinable DNN Deployment Framework for Mobile Edge Computing. ACM Transactions Sensor Network (TOSN), CCF-B
  • Lehao Wang, Sicong Liu*, Zhiwen Yu*, Haoyi Yu, Bin Guo. Research on a Co-evolution Method for Multi-terminal Video Streaming Models. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (in Chinese) 计算机学报, CCF-A
  • Bin Guo,Sicong Liu,Yan Liu,Zhigang Li,Zhiwen Yu,Xingshe Zhou. AIoT: Concepts, Architecture, and Key Technologies. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (in Chinese) 计算机学报, CCF-A
  • Bin Guo,Sicong Liu,Zhu Wang, Yu Zhang, Yuzhan Wang, Cheng Fang, Zhiwen Yu, Xingshe Zhou. Human-Computer Interaction Models and Methods for Ubiquitous OS. Journal of Computer Research and Development (in Chinese) 计算机研究与发展, CCF-A
  • Lei Wu, Bin Guo, Ruonan Xu, Sicong Liu, Yasan Ding, Zhaohui Dang. Modular Robotics from the Perspective of Ubiquitous Computing. SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, SSI (in Chinese) 中国科学-信息科学, CCF-A


  • Sicong Liu, Yungang Wu, Bin Guo, Yuzhang Wang, Ke Ma, Liyao Xiang, Zhetao Li, Zhiwen Yu. CAQ: Towards Context-aware and Self-adaptive Deep Model Computation for AIoT Applications. IEEE Journal of Internet of Things, Q1, IF: 9.515
  • Bin Guo, Yan Liu, Sicong Liu, Zhiwen Yu, Xingshe Zhou. CrowdHMT: Crowd Intelligence with the Deep Fusion of Human, Machine, and IoT. IEEE Journal of Internet of Things, Q1, IF: 9.515
  • Bin Guo, Jiaqi Liu, Sicong Liu, Jiayao Wang, Mengyuan Li, Chen Wang, Zhiwen Yu. CrowdIM: Crowd-Inspired Intelligent Manufacturing Space Design. IEEE Journal of Internet of Things, Q1, IF: 9.515
  • Hao Wang, Bin Guo, Wei Wu, Sicong Liu, Zhiwen Yu. Towards information-rich, logical dialogue systems with knowledge-enhanced neural models. NeuroComputing, Q1, IF:4.438


  • Sicong Liu, Bin Guo, Ke Ma, Zhiwen Yu, Junzhao Du. AdaSpring: Context-adaptive and Runtime-evolutionary Deep Model Compression for Mobile Applications. ACM UbiComp (IMWUT), CCF-A
  • Hongli Wang, Bin Guo, Jiaqi Liu, Sicong Liu, Yungang Wu, Zhiwen Yu. Context-aware Adaptive Surgery: A fast and effective framework for adaptative model partition. ACM UbiComp (IMWUT), CCF-A

2020 & before:

  • Sicong Liu, Junzhao Du, Anshumali Shrivastava, Lin Zhong. Privacy Adversarial Network: Representation Learning for Mobile Data Privacy. ACM UbiComp (IMWUT) 2020, CCF-A
  • Sicong Liu, Junzhao Du, Kaiming Nan, Zimu Zhou, Atlas Wang, Yingyan Lin. AdaDeep: A Usage-Driven, Automated Deep Model Compression Framework for Enabling Ubiquitous Intelligent Mobiles. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2020, CCF-A
  • Bin Guo, Yungang Wu,Hongli Wang,Hao Wang,Sicong Liu,Jiaqi Liu,Zhiwen Yu,Xingshe Zhou. Research on Adaptive Methods for Deep Learning Models in Edge Environments. SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, SSI (in Chinese) 2020 中国科学-信息科学, CCF-A
  • Kaiming Nan, Sicong Liu, Junzhao Du, Hui Liu. Deep model compression for mobile platforms: A survey. Tsinghua Science and Technology 2019, Q1
  • Sicong Liu, Yingyan Lin, Zimu Zhou, Kaiming Nan, Hui Liu, Junzhao Du. On-demand deep model compression for mobile devices: A usage-driven model selection framework. ACM MobiSys 2018, CCF-B
  • Sicong Liu, Zimu Zhou, Junzhao Du, Longfei Shangguan, Jun Han, Xin Wang. Ubiear: Bringing location-independent sound awareness to the hard-of-hearing people with smartphones. ACM UbiComp (IMWUT) 2017, CCF-A, Distinguished Paper Award
  • Sicong Liu, Junzhao Du, Hui Liu, Rui Li, Xue Yang, Kewei Sha. Energy-efficient algorithm to construct the information potential field in WSNs. IEEE sensor journal 2017, Q1
  • Sicong Liu, Junzhao Du, Mobiear: Building an Environment-independent Acoustic Sensing Platform for the Deaf using Deep Learning, ACM MobiSys 2016, CCF-B
  • Sicong Liu, Junzhao Du, Xue Yang, Rui Li, Hui Liu, K Sha, CrowdBlueNet: Maximizing Crowd Data Collection using Bluetooth Ad Hoc networks, WASA 2016, CCF-C
  • Junzhao Du, Sicong Liu, Chi Xu, Kai Wang, Hui Liu, Kewei Sha, Lightweight construction of the information potential field in wireless sensor networks, ICCCN 2014, CCF-C

Professional Activities:

Progran Committee Chair/Member:

  • Program Vice-Chair, IEEE Metaverse 2023
  • TPC Member, ACM MobiSys 2023, 2021, CCF-B
  • TPC Member, IEEE ICUS 2022
  • TPC Member, EAI MobiQuitous 2022

Conference Session Chair:

  • ACM UbiComp 2021, CCF-A
  • ACM MobiSys 2021, CCF-B

Journal Editor:


  • Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), CCF-A
  • The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), CCF-A
  • IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), CCF-A
  • IEEE Journal of Internet of Things, SCI-1

Selected Awards and Honors:

  • I was Selected into the Future Female Scientist Program of the China Association for Science and Technology 中国科协未来女科学家计划(全国每年10人), July, 2022.
  • I Won the Spark Award 华为云世界难题火花奖 for publishing world problems from Huawei, August, 2022.
  • I Won the 2021 ACM China Council SIGBED Chapter DOCTORAL DISSERTATION AWARD, June, 2021.
  • I won the 2020 ACM Xi'an Chapter DOCTORAL DISSERTATION AWARD, May 2020.
  • Our work received the First Prize of Science and Technology Award of Shaanxi Colleges and Institutions, March 2019.
  • Our work received the ACM Ubicomp (CCF-A) Distinguished Paper Award, October 2018.
  • I Won the Networking Networking Women (N2 Women) Fellowship and moderated an N2 Women Panel at MobiSys, May 2018.
  • I Won the MobiSys Student Scholarship, May 2016.
  • I Won the Silver Award in Tencent QRobot development and application contest with the "Magic Tone" Android project, January 2015.


PhD students:

  • Lehao Wang 王乐豪, (B.E. NPU, co-supervised with Prof. Zhiwen Yu), TMC 2023(CCF-A),计算机学报 2023(CCF-A),国家发明专利2项, 2022.09-
  • Ke Ma 马可, (B.E. NPU, co-supervised with Prof. Bin Guo), ACM UbiComp 2021 (CCF-A), 国家发明专利2项, 2021.09-2023.09, Next position: visiting student at Tsinghua Unverisity
  • Ziqi Wang 王梓琪, (M.E. NPU, co-supervised with Prof. Bin Guo), 2021.09-
  • Ruixiang Xu 徐瑞祥, (B.E. NPU, co-supervised with Prof. Zhiwen Yu), 2023.09-

Master students:

  • Yungang Wu 仵允港, (B.E. QIT, co-supervised with Prof. Bin Guo), 2019.09-2021.04, 中国科学:信息科学 2020 (CCF-A), IoT Journal (SCI-1), next position: Engineer at Beijing Kingsoft Digital Entertainment Science and Technology
  • Hongli Wang 王虹力, (B.E. NPU, co-supervised with Prof. Bin Guo), ACM UbiComp 2022 (CCF-A), TOSN 2023 (CCF-B), 国家发明专利2项,软件著作权1项, 2020.09--2022.04
  • Yanfei Wang 王延飞, (B.E. NPU, co-supervised with Prof. Zhiwen Yu), ACM UbiComp 2023 (CCF-A), 2021.09--2022.04
  • Haoyi Yu 于昊艺, (B.E. HEU, co-supervised with Prof. Zhiwen Yu), TMC 2023(CCF-A), 国家发明专利1项 2020.09-2022.04
  • Jingyi Hao 郝静怡, (B.E. NPU, co-supervised with Prof. Bin Guo), ICPADS 2022, 2020.09--2022.04
  • Xiaochen Li 李晓晨, (B.E. NWU), ACM UbiComp 2023 (CCF-A), ACM UbiComp 2024 (CCF-A),国家发明专利1项, 2022.09-
  • Cheng Fang 方程, (B.E. NPU, co-supervised with Prof. Bin Guo), IEEE UIC 2022, 软件著作权1项 , 2022.09-
  • Yuzhan Wang 王羽展, (B.E. NPU, co-supervised with Prof. Bin Guo), 2022.09-
  • Hao Luo 骆浩, (B.E. NPU), 国家发明专利2项, 2022.09-
  • Yuan Xu 徐源, (B.E. NPU), 2023.09-
  • Yuan Gao 高元, (B.E. NPU), 2023.09-

Undergraduate students (due to space constraints, only a partial is shown here):

  • Lehao Wang 王乐豪, 2021.09-2022.06, Recipient of Excellent Undergraduate Graduation Project (Thesis), next position: PhD student in our Lab
  • Ke Ma 马可, 2020.09-2021.09, Recipient of Excellent Undergraduate Graduation Project (Thesis), next position: PhD student in our Lab


  • IoT Data Processing, Required Course for Internet of Things Engineering Major
  • Frontiers of Internet of Things Technology, Elective Course for Internet of Things Engineering Major

Recent Talks:

  • 边端情境自适应深度计算与演化,last update-2023, CCF计算之美大会2021,全国计算视觉暑期学校,南京大学, 华为云workshop
  • Tutorial on Mobile ML,last update-2021,MobiSys 2021
  • 我们需要选题审美和解题执行力,last update-2023
  • 授人以渔和授人以鱼, last update-2022, “导学相长竞赛” 特等奖
  • 做有特色的系统性研究,last update-2022
  • 从迷茫到笃定,last update-2021
  • Embedded and Mobile Deep Learning Design,last update-2018,谷歌,阿里(硅谷),杜克大学,芝加哥大学

Last update: March, 2024